Garden of Detritus

Garden of Detritus | 2020

Clay, Resin, Plant Matter, India Ink

As an artist growing up in the heart of Silicon Valley, I work mostly with digital, technology influenced forms of art. On a day to day basis I focus on creating internet based art, often an amalgamation of creative coding and digital painting. I like to focus my art around narrative whether it be implied narrative that invites the viewers to make up their own stories or something more structured that lays itself out for viewers to follow through. Despite my favoritism of new wave technology based art, the physical mediums of which you can mold with your hand is something I treat with equal respect; which most often for me is 3D sculpture. A prime example is my latest work, “Garden of Detritus” a 4x4x2 inch mixed media sculpture made with clay, resin, acrylic paint, ink, plant matter, and various types of debris. In the center of the work sits a solemn, feminine face which is made to look like she is sinking in the black abyss that surrounds her. The blackened waters, which you cannot see any further down into, as well as the ink black flowers and vegetation that sprout out from it act as a frame for her face. The work captures her eyes downcast in resignation of her fate as she seems to disappear into the abyss.